In the development of new products, BRISK Tábor cooperates closely with expert departments of Czech universities (Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical University in Brno), many research institutions and leading foreign companies (e.g. Degussa).
The company has developed products using computerized designing. This approach is based on programs like Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 4.0, complemented in other departments with related programs like AutoCAD 2000 and AutoCAD LT 2000. Thanks to this equipment, the company's designing departments are able to communicate with programs like Pro-Engineer, CATIA and others through the exchangeable format STEP. All workplaces are connected to the corporate computer network, with the possibility of Internet access.
Computer technology is also used at the design verification stage using strength calculations and FEM simulations. The program COSMOS/M v1.75 is currently used for the evaluation of critical design elements with respect to temperature course and mechanical load in operation as well as during individual technological operations in the production stage.
In addition to computerized design, computer technology is also used as support for technical production preparation. This namely involves the program SYSKLASS that integrates all activities of the pre-production stages. It effectively searches for parts with similar shapes and, using similarities in technological production procedures, reduces demands on production preparation. Another function of this system is its use as an information database of design-related and technological data. At present, design project management is supported using the program Microsoft Project 98.
VQFD, FMEA and DOE methods are commonly used for work-flow control during the development process in accordance with the mentioned standards ISO 9001, VDA 6.1 and QS-9000. They will be also supported by computer technology soon.
The company's own testing facility has sufficient instrumentation and technical equipment for performance of tests necessary for verification of features of products manufactured by the company.